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- LTM Program: Nearshore ecosystems in the Gulf of Alaska 20120114-H
Project Information
Title: LTM Program: Nearshore ecosystems in the Gulf of Alaska 20120114-H
Project Year and Number: 2020: 20120114-H
Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2025: 25120114-H , 2024: 24120114-H , 2023: 23120114-H , 2022: 22120114-H , 2021: 21120114-H, 2019: 19120114-H, 2018: 18120114-H, 2017: 17120114-H, 2016: 16120114-L, 2016: 16120114-R, 2015: 15120114-L, 2015: 15120114-R, 2014: 14120114-L, 2014: 14120114-R, 2013: 13120114-L, 2013: 13120114-R, 2012: 12120114-L, 2012: 12120114-R
Principal Investigator (PI): Heather Coletti (National Park Service), Brenda Konar (University of Alaska Fairbanks), Katrin Iken (University of Alaska Fairbanks), Dan Esler (USGS), Brenda Ballachey (USGS), Jim Bodkin (USGS), Kim Kloecker (USGS), Daniel Monson (USGS), Ben Weitzman (NOAA), Tom Dean (Coastal Resources)
Managing Agency: USNPS
Assisting Personnel: None
Project Website: https://gulfwatchalaska.org/monitoring/nearshore-ecosystems/
Research Location: Kachemak Bay, Katmai, Kenai Fjords, Prince William Sound
Restoration Category: Monitoring
Injured Resources Addressed: Black Oystercatchers, Clams, Harlequin Ducks, Intertidal Organisms, Mussels, Sea Otters, Sediments, Subtidal Organisms
Abstract:Nearshore monitoring in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) provides ongoing evaluation of status and trends of more than 200 species, including many of those injured by the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill. The monitoring design includes spatial, temporal and ecological features that support inference regarding drivers of change. Continued monitoring will lead to a better understanding of variation in the nearshore ecosystem across the GOA and a more thorough evaluation of the status of spill-injured resources. This information has been used in a number of management contexts and will be critical for anticipating and responding to ongoing and future perturbations in the region, as well as providing for global contrasts. In FY20, we propose to continue sampling in Kachemak Bay (KBAY), Katmai National Park and Preserve (KATM), Kenai Fjords National Park (KEFJ), and Western Prince William Sound (WPWS) following previously established methods. Monitoring metrics include marine invertebrates, macroalgae, birds, mammals, and physical parameters such as temperature. In addition to taxon-specific metrics, monitoring includes recognized important ecological relations such as predator-prey dynamics, measures of nearshore ecosystem productivity, and contamination. In FY18, sea star observations included some recruitment and recovery in WPWS and KEFJ but not in KBAY or KATM. In FY19, some sea star recovery also included KATM and KBAY, but numbers are still low in comparison to previous years. We expected a lag in recovery in these latter two regions as the disease seemed to move across the GOA from the east to the west following the large sea star die-off that began in 2015. We also initiated marine bird and mammal surveys and black oystercatcher productivity monitoring as well as increased sea otter foraging data collection efforts in FY18 in KBAY that continued through FY19. We are not proposing any major changes to activities under this project for FY20; we are requesting additional funds ($24k includes 9% GA) to support increased costs of operating the RV Alaskan Gyre, a critical platform for the nearshore component.
Proposal: View (1,363 KB)
Annual Report: View (689 KB)
Final Report: See Project 21120114-H
Publications from this Project: None Available