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- LTM Program - Nearshore Benthic Ecosystems in the Gulf of Alaska 14120114-R
Project Information
Title: LTM Program - Nearshore Benthic Ecosystems in the Gulf of Alaska 14120114-R
Project Year and Number: 2014: 14120114-R
Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2025: 25120114-H , 2024: 24120114-H , 2023: 23120114-H , 2022: 22120114-H , 2021: 21120114-H, 2020: 20120114-H, 2019: 19120114-H, 2018: 18120114-H, 2017: 17120114-H, 2016: 16120114-R, 2015: 15120114-R, 2013: 13120114-R, 2012: 12120114-R
Principal Investigator (PI): Brenda Ballachey
Managing Agency: USGS
Assisting Personnel: None
Project Website: https://gulfwatchalaska.org/monitoring/nearshore-ecosystems/nearshore-benthic-systems-in-the-gulf-of-alaska/
Research Location: Prince William Sound, Gulf of Alaska, Katmai, Kachemak Bay, Kenai Fjords
Restoration Category: Monitoring
Injured Resources Addressed: Black Oystercatchers, Clams, Harlequin Ducks, Intertidal Organisms, Mussels, Sea Otters, Sediments, Subtidal Organisms
Abstract:We propose to continue the long-term nearshore marine monitoring program which has been ongoing in the GOA since 2006, supported by the National Park Service-Southwest Alaska Network and the US Geological Survey, and supported by the Gulf Watch Alaska project since 2012. The sampling design consists of three primary sampling locations in nearshore habitats in the central GOA region, including Prince William Sound (PWS), Kenai Fjords National Park (KEFJ), and Katmai National Park (KATM). Additionally, we will coordinate with nearshore sampling ongoing in Kachemak Bay as part of the Gulf Watch Alaska project. In western PWS, KEFJ and KATM, we plan to continue sampling at established sites on an annual basis through 2016. In eastern and northern PWS, we plan to continue sampling at established sites in alternate years, with eastern PWS scheduled for 2014. Monitoring includes measurements of water quality (temperature, salinity), intertidal invertebrates and algae, sea grasses, sea otters, black oystercatchers, and surveys of marine birds and mammals. The monitoring also includes measures of nearshore ecosystem productivity, predator-prey dynamics, and stable isotope and contaminant analyses.
Proposal: View (19,995 KB)
Annual Report FY14: View (140 KB)
Final Report: See Project 16120114-R
Publications from this Project: None Available