Project Information

Title: Seal and Sea Otter Cooperative Subsistence Harvest Assistance 95244

Project Year and Number: 1995: 95244

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2002: 02245, 2001: 01245, 2000: 00245, 1999: 99245, 1998: 98244, 1997: 97244, 1996: 96244, 1994: 94244

Principal Investigator (PI): Jim Fall (Alaska Department of Fish & Game)

Managing Agency: ADFG

Assisting Personnel: Monica Riedel, Vicki Vanek, Kate Wynne

Research Location: PWSKEN

Restoration Category: General Restoration

Injured Resources Addressed: Harbor Seals, Sea Otters, Subsistence

Abstract: Project would work cooperatively with subsistence hunters to assess the impact of subsistence harvests of harbor seals and sea otters and other factors on the recovery of these species, and to identify ways to reduce these impacts. This project would continue FY 94 project effort. Also proposed is an informational program that would be used to inform the public, including subsistence users, about current status and trends in harbor seal and sea otter populations.

Proposal: Not Available

Annual Report FY95: View (4,391 KB)
Final Report: See Project 98244

Publications from this Project: None Available

EVOSTC Data Archive: Whiskers: Database. Information on harvest and use of harbor seals. Availability: Available free on disk in limited quantities.