Project Information

Title: Development of Culture Technology to Support Restoration of Herring in Prince William Sound: Use of In Vitro Studies to Validate and Optimize Restoration Actions 070821

Project Year and Number: 2007: 070821

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2009: 090821, 2008: 080821

Principal Investigator (PI): Tim Linley (MariCal)

Managing Agency: ADFG

Assisting Personnel: Marlies Betka, Evelyn Brown, Caroline Cherry, Steven Craig, Brandon Delbos, Howard Ferren, Ewen McLean, Michael Schwarz

Research Location: Prince William Sound, Resurrection Bay

Restoration Category: General Restoration

Injured Resources Addressed: Pacific Herring

Abstract: Intervention in the form of artificial propagation may be needed to restore Prince William Sound (PWS) herring to levels capable of supporting a healthy ecosystem as well as sustainable fisheries. We propose to test and refine propagation methods through laboratory and field studies over a three year period to evaluate the likely benefits and costs of stock restoration. The overall objective is to obtain biological and economic benchmarks of stock enhancement strategies by integrating established techniques for laboratory rearing of herring with state of the art methods used in the culture of multiple marine species. Our specific efforts will focus on the role of calcium sensing receptor proteins in herring osmoregulation, nutrition and immune function. The results will provide PWS stakeholders and other researchers with improved understanding of the optimal husbandry and nursery conditions for herring stock enhancement, and the potential effects of such restoration on PWS herring.

Proposal: View (232 KB)

Annual Report FY07: View (1,864 KB)
Final Report: See Project 080821

Publications from this Project: None Available