Project Information

Title: Development of Culture Technology to Support Restoration of Herring in Prince William Sound: Use of In Vitro Studies to Validate and Optimize Restoration Actions 080821

Project Year and Number: 2008: 080821

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2009: 090821, 2007: 070821

Principal Investigator (PI): Tim Linley (MariCal)

Managing Agency: ADFG

Assisting Personnel: Marlies Betka, Nate Bickford, Evelyn Brown, Caroline Cherry, Steven Craig, Brandon Delbos, Howard Ferren, Paul Hershberger, Takahiro Matsubara, Ewen McLean, Michael Schwarz

Research Location: Prince William Sound

Restoration Category: General Restoration

Injured Resources Addressed: Pacific Herring

Abstract: This proposal is specifically designed to maintain our previously established collaboration with the Japanese herring researchers and foster their further involvement to address critical questions regarding factors that may be limiting recovery of herring in Prince William Sound. Please note that the two Objectives we have proposed are focused on scientific topics that were encompassed by our original proposal and thus should not require any additional scientific or technical review. Objective 1: Plan and coordinate travel for Dr. Takahiro Matsubara and an associate or designee to travel to Alaska to attend the Marine Science Symposium in January 2008, participate in an EVOS Trustee Council sponsored workshop on herring stock restoration, visit the fish culture facilities at the ASLC, the Seward Shellfish Hatchery and USGS Marrowstone Field Lab (Nordland, WA), tour potential stock restoration rearing and release sites in PWS (e.g. Tatitlik), and meet with scientists and interested parties involved in the Prince William Sound herring restoration effort. Objective 2: Conduct an assessment (survey) of yolk proteins and products in female herring that affect gamete quality and potential larval recruitment during the spawning cycle in PWS during 2008

Proposal: View (50 KB)

2nd Quarter Report: View (33 KB)
Final Report: View (142 KB)

Publications from this Project: None Available