Project Information

Title: Cordova Clean Harbor Program 13120112-A

Project Year and Number: 2013: 13120112-A

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2016: 16120112-A, 2015: 15120112-A, 2014: 14120112-A

Principal Investigator (PI): John Whissel

Managing Agency: NOAA

Assisting Personnel: None

Research Location: Cordova

Restoration Category: General Restoration

Injured Resources Addressed: Mussels


*Abstracts are excerpted from the proposer's submission. Over the past two years the Cordova Clean Harbor Program has worked to raise awareness of issues related to the harbor and collect input from harbor users to identify ways in which the harbor could be improved. Over three hundred and fifty responses to harbor user surveys were received over the two years. Their input indicated that there is broad interest in improving harbor conditions, increasing garbage bin availability, anti-freeze and waste oil management, and bilge pumping services. Over forty percent of respondents in 2012 indicated that they supported more public education and signage. NVE proposes a portfolio of several projects. The following components were identified by CCH over the past two years: Addressing waste and anti-freeze disposal. This will be achieved by providing new waste receptacles and locations that reduce the chance of materials being lost back to the environment while making it easier to properly dispose of waste. Examining ways to improve our ability to respond to small spills and waste in the harbor. To achieve this we are looking at a workshop for identifying the best technologies for small spill cleanup, testing soil of the approaches in the harbor, developing a small spill response document, and holding a competition at the high school level to build a better clean up system. Continued outreach activities aimed at educating harbor users to best practices that will reduce waste reaching the harbor. This will be done using signage and development of outreach materials. Evaluate the effectiveness of the effort by tracking changes in use patterns and PAH levels in mussels.

Proposal: View (2,954 KB)

Annual Report FY13: File Unavailable
Final Report: See Project 16120112-A

Publications from this Project: None Available