Project Information

Title: Cordova Clean Harbor Program 15120112-A

Project Year and Number: 2015: 15120112-A

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2016: 16120112-A, 2014: 14120112-A, 2013: 13120112-A

Principal Investigator (PI): Ivy Patton (Native Village of Eyak)

Managing Agency: NOAA

Assisting Personnel: None

Research Location: Cordova

Restoration Category: General Restoration

Injured Resources Addressed: Mussels


In this project, the Native Village of Eyak, along with their partners, will bring a local, physical presence to the Cordova Harbor to promote clean boating practices through education and information dissemination. In addition, the work will engage the local harbor staff, marine businesses, Coast Guard, and non-profit organizations by supporting increased use of available services. Finally, this important work will evaluate existing harbor user practices, give recommendations for improvements to decision makers, and assist with improving and augmenting critical harbor services. Specifically the tasks for this project include: • Addressing waste and antifreeze disposal limitations - achieved by providing new waste receptacles at convenient locations. These new receptacles will reduce the chance of materials being lost back to the environment while making it easier to properly dispose of waste. • Improved outreach activities - educating harbor users to the best practices, which will reduce waste reaching the harbor. This will be done using signage and the development of new, effective outreach materials. • Evaluation – monitor the effectiveness of the harbor clean up effort by tracking changes in use patterns and PAH levels in mussels.

Proposal: View (500 KB)

Annual Report FY15: View (79 KB)
Final Report: See Project 16120112-A

Publications from this Project: None Available