Habitat Protection Program: Parcel Process
The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council (EVOSTC or Council), through its Habitat Protection Program, considers parcel proposals focusing on protection of the surface or subsurface estates located in the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill (EVOS) area. The Council seeks to protect habitat in order to prevent further injury to resources and services affected by EVOS, as noted in the Update of the Injured Resources and Services List (IRS), and that will enable these injured species and populations to recover, sustain recovery objectives or enhance their populations over the long term. As of this writing, the current IRS update is 2014; please check for any further updates and a complete IRS on the EVOSTC website at: https://evostc.state.ak.us/status-of-restoration/.
Information on Parcels
Parcels may be proposed only if there is a willing seller. However, any individual, organization, or local government may submit a parcel information form to the EVOSTC. To ensure that a parcel is a viable proposal, the following Threshold Criteria must be met before a parcel will be further considered by the EVOSTC. Parcel Information forms are available from the EVOSTC website at https://evostc.state.ak.us/media/4016/42517evostcparcelinformationformed.pdf.
Threshold Criteria
EVOSTC Proposal/ Benefits Report
If the EVOSTC Office determines a parcel has met the Threshold Criteria, the EVOSTC Office will coordinate the development of a formal EVOSTC proposal. This proposal is also referred to as the “Benefits Report” and may include the following information. A seller may be asked for additional information to help facilitate the proposal and review process.
Owner and Parcel Information
Parcel Name, Parcel Owner(s), Physical Location, Surface or Subsurface Estate, Approximate Acreage, Legal Description
Project Description
Evaluation Criteria
Under contract with EVOSTC, Great Land Trust has developed a habitat prioritization for the Council that ranks habitat within the spill area for its potential benefits that purchase and protection would provide to injured resources and services. This prioritization will also be used, along with resource agency information and scientific data, by the EVOSTC Office to analyze the following.
How is the parcel linked to restoring or enhancing habitat for EVOS-affected resources and services in the EVOS Spill Area?
What is the restoration potential of the parcel?
How will management of the parcel contribute to recovery?
Additional Considerations: Other related values that may contribute to the parcel’s value
Supporting Documentation:
EVOSTC Office Review of Benefits Report
The EVOSTC office will coordinate the review of the Benefits Report and associated documents with applicable federal and state resource agencies. This review may give rise to additional questions or develop additional relevant information about the parcel.
Negotiating and Council Approval of Potential Purchase
If the EVOSTC office is supportive of continuing to pursue the parcel the EVOSTC office will coordinate contact and negotiations with the parcel owner. During this stage the Council may review the parcel and authorize funding to purchase the parcel within a certain range of value (not to exceed the appraised value), subject to final approval by the EVOSTC Executive Director, and if supported by due diligence and appraisal activities. A signed purchase agreement with the owner(s) is required.
Due Diligence
The EVOSTC office will coordinate due diligence activities with the support of agency personnel or necessary contractors as the purchase proceeds. Due diligence activities include but are not limited to the following:
Closing occurs when all legal requirements and the conditions of the sale have been met. Each EVOSTC purchase is unique. The following documents are generally required to complete the acquisition. In particular cases, other documentation may be required: