
In June 1997, the Chenega Corporation transferred to the U.S. Forest Service surface title to 21,414 acres of land and a conservation easement on an additional 22,297 acres. The corporation also transferred to the State of Alaska surface title to 16,289 acres of land. The total acreage protected is 60,001 acres, all in Prince William Sound. Public access is allowed on all the land in the conservation easement except 3,330 acres on the southern portion of Chenega Island in the vicinity of the original Chenega village site. Two parcels acquired in fee simple, the Eshamy Bay and Jackpot Bay parcels, are among the highest ranked parcels in the oil spill area for restoration benefit. The Council contributed $24 million to this acquisition and the federal government contributed an additional $10 million from the federal restitution fund, for a total purchase price of $34 million.

Chenaga Map

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