Project Information

Title: SEA: Trophodynamic Modeling and Validation Through Remote Sensing 96320-R

Project Year and Number: 1996: 96320-R

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 1999: 99320-R-CLO, 1998: 98320-R, 1997: 97320-R

Principal Investigator (PI): Dave Eslinger (NOAA Coastal Services Center)

Managing Agency: ADFG

Assisting Personnel: None

Research Location: Prince William Sound

Restoration Category: Research

Injured Resources Addressed: Pacific Herring, Pink Salmon, Subtidal Organisms

Abstract: This is a new SEA project in FY 96 as a result of an internal reorganization. Some of the work performed under 95320-G and J is to be done under this project in FY 96 and beyond. This project would continue the trophodynamic modeling of phytoplankton and zooplankton begun in FY 95 and add modeling of ichthyoplankton, herring larvae in particular. It will evaluate and verify the model against field data to be collected using a variety of remote sensing and in situ sampling platforms.

Proposal: Not Available

Annual Report FY96: View (1,030 KB)
Final Report: See Project 99320-R-CLO

Publications from this Project: None Available

EVOSTC Data Archive: The biophysical plankton model simulates dynamics in phytoplankton, zooplankton, and ichthyoplankton populations in response to physical (winds, light, temperature) forcing. The model is run with actual wind fields, measured from a mooring maintained by this project; and incorporates two types of phytoplankton, three types of zooplankton, and larval herring. Prior to FY 96, this subproject was part of in 320G and 320J. Published articles Availability: Available to collaborating researchers and managers and through the scheduled release of the SEA database.