Project Information

Title: PWS Salmon Stock Identification and Monitoring Studies 93068

Project Year and Number: 1993: 93068

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 1995: 95137, 1994: 94137

Principal Investigator (PI): Samuel Sharr (Alaska Department of Fish & Game)

Managing Agency: ADFG

Assisting Personnel: Brian Bue, David Evans, Seawan Gehlbach, Carol Peckham, Renate Riffe, Dan Sharp, Jodi Smith, Mark Willette

Research Location: Prince William Sound

Restoration Category: General Restoration

Injured Resources Addressed: Sockeye Salmon

Abstract: Strong evidence indicates that the spawning success and early marine survival of chum and pink salmon in Prince William Sound (PWS) was adversely affected by the EVOS. Emerging fry and smolt of all salmon species throughout PWS migrated through and reared in areas contaminated by oil. Salmon stocks impacted by the EVOS are heavily exploited in commercial, sport, and subsistence fisheries and their restoration may be realized through management practices designed to reduce exploitation on impacted stocks. This project is designed to provide accurate estimates of salmon stocks in PWS, and will enable fisheries managers to identify areas where exploitation of depleted wild stocks can be minimized and still permit the harvest of surplus hatchery returns. By sampling sockeye, chum, chinook and coho salmon catches and hatchery brood stock in PWS for coded wire tags, estimates of hatchery and wild stock contributions to harvests can be made. Fisheries managers may use the data to verify or adjust in season contribution estimates.

Proposal: Not Available

Final Report: Final Report Not available. For current status, please contact us.

Publications from this Project: None Available

EVOSTC Data Archive: In RBase: List of collected heads by sample number, head number, species, processor, date sold, tag code, etc. Samples listed by sample number, number clips, number sampled, district, processor, date sold, etc. Release data from hatcheries: number released, number tagged, release site, release date, etc. Harvest data from fish ticket data system. Each year has a separate RBase database containing all sampling, release and contribution data. Hard copies of reports containing hatchery contribution estimates by statistical week are also available. RBase, paper copies of sample sheets and summary sheets. Availability: RBase files are available on request. In the future data may be available via the internet or some other electronic link up.