Restoration Project Search

The 1989 grounding of the Exxon Valdez in Prince William Sound presented an enormous technical challenge to resource managers in Alaska. Documenting injury to natural resources and fostering their restoration across hundreds of miles of poorly-studied coastline in a scientifically defensible manner were extremely difficult tasks, never before undertaken on such a grand scale.

Now it is possible to locate online much of the research that has been funded by the Trustee Council since the settlement, including annual and final reports for specific projects. If you have technical problems or need assistance locating a specific project report, please contact research staff.


Project Researcher: Willette, T. (Mark)

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Search Results

Number Project Title Restoration Category Fiscal Year
050765 Salmon Smolt Monitoring Monitoring 2005
040670 Dynamics of the Alaska Coastal Current Monitoring 2004
030670 Dynamics of the Alaska Coastal Current Monitoring 2003
99367 Synthesis and Publication of Fisheries Research Research 1999
99320-E-CLO SEA: Salmon and Herring Predation Research 1999
99191-A-CLO Oil-Related Embryo Mortalities Research 1999
98320-E SEA: Salmon and Herring Predation Research 1998
98191-A1 Oil-Related Embryo Mortalities Monitoring 1998
98166-CLO Herring Natal Habitats Monitoring 1998
97320-E SEA: Salmon and Herring Program Research 1997
97191-A1 Injury to Pink Salmon Embryos Monitoring 1997
97191-A Oil-Related Embryo Mortalities Research 1997
97166 Herring Natal Habitats Monitoring 1997
96320-E SEA: Salmon and Herring Predation Research 1996
96258-A1 Sockeye Salmon Overescapement Monitoring 1996
96191-A1 Injury to Pink Salmon Embryos Monitoring 1996
96191-A Embryo Mortalities in PWS Pink Salmon Research 1996
96166 Herring Natal Habitats Monitoring 1996
95320-E SEA: Juvenile Salmon and Herring Integration Research 1995
95320-A SEA: Salmon Growth and Mortality Research 1995
95191-A1 Injury to Pink Salmon Embryos Monitoring 1995
95166 Herring Natal Habitats Monitoring 1995
95163-A APEX: Abundance and Distribution of Forage Fish Research 1995
95137 Salmon Stock Identification and Monitoring General Restoration 1995
94320-E SEA: Salmon Predation Research 1994
94320-A SEA: Salmon Growth and Mortality Research 1994
94163 APEX: Forage Fish Influence on Recovery Research 1994
94137 Stock Identification of Salmon General Restoration 1994
93068 PWS Salmon Stock Identification and Monitoring General Restoration 1993
93063 Habitat and Stock Restoration Techniques for Salmon General Restoration 1993
93024 Restoration of Coghill Lake Sockeye General Restoration 1993
R105 Habitat and Stock Restoration Techniques for Salmon Damage Assessment 1992
FS04-A Early Marine Salmon Injury Assessment Damage Assessment 1992
FS03 Salmon Coded-Wire Tag Studies Damage Assessment 1992
FS03 Salmon Coded-Wire Tag Studies Damage Assessment 1991
FS03 Salmon Coded-Wire Tag Studies Damage Assessment 1990
FS03 Salmon Coded-Wire Tag Studies Damage Assessment 1989