Project Information

Title: PWS Herring Populations: Updated Synthesis on the Causes and Lack of Recovery 050794

Project Year and Number: 2005: 050794

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: None

Principal Investigator (PI): Jeep Rice (NOAA )

Managing Agency: NOAA

Assisting Personnel: Mark Carls, Fritz Funk, Terry Quinn

Research Location: Synthesis; no field work, but populations from Alaska to California will be used.

Restoration Category: Research

Injured Resources Addressed: Commercial Fishing, Pacific Herring, Subsistence

Abstract: This project will update the synthesis by Carls et al. (2002), from an oil/herring interaction perspective, but also from the perspective of “uniqueness.” Are the PWS herring unique in their population collapse and lack of recovery? This synthesis will conduct comparison population dynamics modeling of PWS and Alaska herring stocks, as well as other stocks throughout the West Coast, including some stressed stocks. Disease information will be updated, and will include 2 years of data not previously published. The synthesis will focus on uniqueness of the PWS herring stocks (or not) relative to oil, disease, recruitment success, and will also examine the ability of the stock to be resilient through genetic diversity. The potential of different restoration or mitigation strategies will be investigated.

Proposal: View (473 KB)

Final Report: View (3,014 KB)

Publications from this Project: None Available