Project Information

Title: Pristane Monitoring in Mussels 01195

Project Year and Number: 2001: 01195

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2002: 02195, 2000: 00195, 1999: 99195, 1998: 98195, 1997: 97195, 1996: 96195

Principal Investigator (PI): Jeff Short (NOAA )

Managing Agency: NOAA

Assisting Personnel: Pat Harris

Research Location: Prince William Sound

Restoration Category: Monitoring

Injured Resources Addressed: Mussels, Pacific Herring, Pink Salmon

Abstract: This project has focused on elucidating the transport mechanism of pristane from Neocalanus ssp copepods into mussels in Prince William Sound for the previous five years. Comparison of pristane concentration increases in mussels near hatcheries with marine survival of hatchery pink salmon shows a significant correlation, indicating that pristane monitoring is a candidate forecasting method for marine survival of these salmon. The project will focus on (a) assessing the reliability of these forecasts, (b) examining whether survival forecasts for hatchery pink salmon may be extended to wild stocks and to other salmonids, (c) developing a formal model for the expected relationship between pristane concentrations in mussels and marine survival of hatchery pink salmon, and (4) further evaluation of the physical and biological features of the ecosystem that modulate the production of pristane and its accumulation by mussels. [NOTE: The principal investigators have proposed that this project be continued indefinitely].

Proposal: View (108 KB)

Annual Report FY01: View (1,418 KB)
Final Report: See Project 02195

Publications from this Project: None Available