Project Information

Title: High Resolution Mapping of the Intertidal and Shallow Subtidal Shores in Kachemak Bay 030556

Project Year and Number: 2003: 030556

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2004: 040556, 2002: 02556

Principal Investigator (PI): Scott Pegau (Prince William Sound Science Center)

Managing Agency: ADFG

Assisting Personnel: Carl Schoch

Research Location: Kachemak Bay/Lower Cook Inlet

Restoration Category: Research

Injured Resources Addressed: Intertidal Organisms, Subtidal Organisms

Abstract: This is a continuation of the field mapping project started in FY 02 (Project 02556). Funds in FY 04 will complete the field mapping and begin building a database of the geomorphology and physical attributes of shallow subtidal and intertidal habitats for the greater Kachemak Bay/Lower Cook Inlet area. We regard this as the foundation for developing a monitoring program to detect changes in nearshore communities resulting from shifts in watershed and marine processes. Other map tools, such as the NOAA Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) and the Shore-zone Classification, were developed for oil spill response planning and do not contain the data necessary for resolving small spatial scale features of the shoreline needed in ecological studies where biophysical linkages often occur at scales of less than one meter.

Proposal: View (110 KB)

Final Report: See Project 040556

Publications from this Project: None Available