Project Information

Title: Evaluation of Two Methods to Discriminate Pacific Herring Stocks Along the Northern GOA 01538

Project Year and Number: 2001: 01538

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2002: 02538

Principal Investigator (PI): Ted Otis (Alaska Department of Fish & Game)

Managing Agency: ADFG

Assisting Personnel: Ron Heintz

Research Location: Gulf of Alaska

Restoration Category: Research

Injured Resources Addressed: Commercial Fishing, Pacific Herring, Subsistence

Abstract: This project will perform a comparative investigation of two promising stock identification techniques for Pacific herring -- elemental analysis of otoliths and fatty acid profile analysis of select soft tissues. Limited samples from Sitka Sound, Prince William Sound, Kamishak Bay, Kodiak Island, and Togiak will be collected and analyzed to determine if stock differences are detectable by each procedure, and at what scale. Successful results from this pilot study should be followed up with future evaluations of the temporal and structural (i.e., sex, age, maturity) stability of these biomarkers.

Proposal: View (172 KB)

Final Report: See Project 02538

Publications from this Project: None Available