Project Information

Title: Effects of Disease on Pacific Herring Population Recovery in PWS 02462-CLO

Project Year and Number: 2002: 02462-CLO

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2003: 030462, 2001: 01462-CLO, 2000: 00462, 1999: 99462

Principal Investigator (PI): Gary Marty (BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands)

Managing Agency: ADFG

Assisting Personnel: None

Research Location: Prince William Sound

Restoration Category: Research

Injured Resources Addressed: Commercial Fishing, Pacific Herring, Subsistence

Abstract: The Pacific herring population of Prince William Sound has not recovered from severe population decline in 1993. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game now predicts that fisheries closed since 1999 will not open for several years. Long-term systematic disease monitoring and research since 1994 has shown a clear relationship between disease prevalence and population change, and this information significantly improves the ability to forecast population change. Because of the importance of Pacific herring in the Prince William Sound ecosystem, and the importance of this project to marine fisheries worldwide, an additional year of disease study is proposed to ensure seamless flow of data from this project to GEM.

Proposal: View (140 KB)

Final Report: See Project 030462

Publications from this Project: None Available