Project Information

Title: Chugach Region Archaeological Repository and Museum 24220505

Project Year and Number: 2024: 24220505

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2023: 23220505, 2022: 22220505

Principal Investigator (PI): Lauren Johnson (Chugach Heritage Foundation)

Managing Agency: DCCED

Assisting Personnel: None

Research Location: Anchorage

Restoration Category: General Restoration

Injured Resources Addressed: Archaeological Resources


Chugach Heritage Foundation (CHF) is requesting $7.5 million in funding to administer and operate a consolidated repository (facility) located in Anchorage, Alaska to serve as a single consolidated repository for Chugach Artifacts from the EVOS Oil Spill Area. The facility will provide industry standard controls to be used for archival, display and educational purposes of these artifacts. Further, there will be a system to digitize and make information available as necessary to provide management of these critical resources. Currently these Native Artifacts are stored in boxes at a mid‐town location in Anchorage. They are at risk of being damaged and are not able to be shared with CAC Shareholders or residents. The CAC’s shareholder community and the Prince William Sound region was the most devastated by the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. Losses in the Oil Spill Affected Area include damage to our archaeological resources, a non‐renewable resource that cannot be recovered as with most other resources. The EVOSTC approved a resolution in 1997 to provide $2.8m in funds for archaeological repositories in the Chugach Region. The funds were used to build and operate display facilities in each community for 20 years. This original approach to archaeological resources did not consider a consolidated, collaborative approach to managing these artifacts and resources for the long‐term benefit of the Chugach region or the greater public. Thirty‐two years after the oil spill, and archaeological repository and museum to properly archive and care for these cultural collections would provide the best possible case for the highest level of recovery of our archaeological resources that were damaged by the EVOS.

Following this project, the CAC intends to continue to seek funding to expand the facility to allow for other restoration and innovative services for the CAC Shareholders and community residents impacted by the oil spill.

This project was approved for the FY22-FY26 funding cycle.

Proposal: View (783 KB)

FY24 Q1 Report: View (409 KB)

Publications from this Project: None Available
