Restoration Project Search

The 1989 grounding of the Exxon Valdez in Prince William Sound presented an enormous technical challenge to resource managers in Alaska. Documenting injury to natural resources and fostering their restoration across hundreds of miles of poorly-studied coastline in a scientifically defensible manner were extremely difficult tasks, never before undertaken on such a grand scale.

Now it is possible to locate online much of the research that has been funded by the Trustee Council since the settlement, including annual and final reports for specific projects. If you have technical problems or need assistance locating a specific project report, please contact research staff.


Injured Resource: Dolly Varden

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Search Results

Number Project Title Restoration Category Fiscal Year
24220612 Eyak Lake Weir Restoration General Restoration, Habitat Protection 2024
23220612 Eyak Lake Weir Restoration General Restoration, Habitat Protection 2023
22220612 Eyak Lake Weir Restoration General Restoration, Habitat Protection 2022
20200135 Kenai River Special Management Area: Eagle Rock Facility Improvements General Restoration, Habitat Protection 2020
19190124 PWS Instream Flow Protection Habitat Protection 2019
19190121 KRSMA Funny River & Morgan’s Landing Riverbank Restoration General Restoration, Habitat Protection 2019
17170119 Buskin River Watershed General Restoration, Habitat Protection 2017
060783 Information Synthesis and Recovery Research 2006
040706 Energy Allocation and Salmon Carcasses Research 2004
00180-CLO Kenai River Restoration General Restoration 2000
99180 Kenai River Restoration General Restoration 1999
99145 Cutthroat and Dolly: Relationships Research 1999
99043-B Dolly Varden and Trout Monitoring Monitoring 1999
98302-CLO Cutthroat/Dolly Varden Inventory Monitoring 1998
98180 Kenai River Restoration General Restoration 1998
98145-CLO Cutthroat and Dolly: Relationships Research 1998
98043-B Cutthroat and Dolly Habitat Improvement Monitoring 1998
97302 Cutthroat/Dolly Varden Inventory Monitoring 1997
97180 Kenai River Restoration General Restoration 1997
97145 Cutthroat and Dolly: Relationships Research 1997
97043-B Cutthroat and Dolly Habitat Improvement Monitoring 1997
96180 Kenai River Restoration General Restoration 1996
96145 Cutthroat and Dolly: Relationships Monitoring 1996
96043-B Cutthroat and Dolly Habitat Improvement General Restoration 1996
95043-B Dolly Varden and Trout Rehabilitation General Restoration 1995
94043-B2 Rocky Creek/Bay Restoration General Restoration 1994
94043-B1 Sockeye Creek/Lake Restoration (Knight I.) General Restoration 1994
94043-A7 Shrode Creek/Lake Instream Restoration General Restoration 1994
94043-A6 Miners Creek/Lake Restoration (N. PWS) General Restoration 1994
94043-A5 Otter Creek/Lake Restoration General Restoration 1994
94043-A4 Stream No. 509 Restoration General Restoration 1994
94043-A3 Stream No. 508 Restoration General Restoration 1994
94043-A2 Gumboot Creek Restoration (W. PWS) General Restoration 1994
94043-A1 Eshamy River Restoration (W. PWS) General Restoration 1994
94043 Rocky Creek Cutthroat Trout Habitat Enhancement Research 1994
ST07 Assessment of Oil Spill Impacts on Fishery Resources Damage Assessment 1992
R106 Restoration of Dolly Varden and Cutthroat Trout Damage Assessment 1992
R090 Survival and Growth of Dolly Varden and Trout Damage Assessment 1992
R047 Stream Habitat Assessment Damage Assessment 1992
FS05 Injury to Dolly Varden Char and Cutthroat Trout Damage Assessment 1992
ST07 Fishery Resource Damage Assessment Damage Assessment 1991
FS05 Injury to Dolly Varden Char and Cutthroat Trout Damage Assessment 1991
ES07 Total Value of Natural Resources Damage Assessment 1991
TS02 Tissue Abnormality Study Damage Assessment 1990
FS24 Fishery Resource Damage Assessment Damage Assessment 1990
FS05 Injury to Dolly Varden Char and Cutthroat Trout Damage Assessment 1990
TS02 Tissue Abnormality Study Damage Assessment 1989
FS24 Shellfish and Groundfish Damage Assessment Damage Assessment 1989
FS10 Injury to Dolly Varden Char and Sockeye Salmon Damage Assessment 1989
FS06 Sport Fishery Harvest Damage Assessment 1989
FS05 Injury to Dolly Varden Char and Cutthroat Trout Damage Assessment 1989