Restoration Project Search

The 1989 grounding of the Exxon Valdez in Prince William Sound presented an enormous technical challenge to resource managers in Alaska. Documenting injury to natural resources and fostering their restoration across hundreds of miles of poorly-studied coastline in a scientifically defensible manner were extremely difficult tasks, never before undertaken on such a grand scale.

Now it is possible to locate online much of the research that has been funded by the Trustee Council since the settlement, including annual and final reports for specific projects. If you have technical problems or need assistance locating a specific project report, please contact research staff.


Year: 2024

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Search Results

Number Project Title Restoration Category Fiscal Year
2422LTRM A-B GWA-LTRM Integrated Program Management Public Info. Science Mgmt. and Administration, Research 2024
24220612 Eyak Lake Weir Restoration General Restoration, Habitat Protection 2024
24220611 Big Eddy Restoration and Improvements General Restoration, Habitat Protection 2024
24220610 Kenai Peninsula Stream Watch Habitat Protection 2024
24220608 Port Graham Habitat Enhancement Proposal General Restoration, Habitat Protection 2024
24220602 Kenai Peninsula Streambank Rehabilitation and Protection Project General Restoration, Habitat Protection 2024
24220508 Standardized High-Resolution Wetlands and Hydrography Data across the EVOS Region General Restoration, Habitat Protection 2024
24220507 PGC General Restoration & Habitat Protection Project General Restoration 2024
24220505 Chugach Region Archaeological Repository and Museum General Restoration 2024
24220503 Alutiiq Museum & Archaeological Repository Sustainability Project General Restoration 2024
24220502 Clean Water Act Assessment of Beaches with Lingering Oil General Restoration 2024
24220405 Culture Camp Funding for the Chugach Region Public Info. Science Mgmt. and Administration 2024
24220403 PWS Natural History Symposium Public Info. Science Mgmt. and Administration 2024
24220400 Community Organized Restoration and Learning [CORaL] Network Public Info. Science Mgmt. and Administration 2024
24220302 Sustainable mariculture development for restoration and economic benefit in the EVOS spill area Research 2024
24220301 Social, cultural and economic assessment of kelp mariculture opportunities for coastal villages within the EVOS spill zone Research 2024
24220300 Prince William Sound Kelp Mariculture Development for Habitat Restoration and Local Economy Research 2024
24220202 Continuation and Expansion of Ocean Acidification Monitoring in the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Area Monitoring 2024
24220201 Chugach Regional Ocean Monitoring Program Monitoring 2024
24220111-I Ecological interactions between Pacific herring and Pacific salmon in Prince William Sound, Alaska Monitoring 2024
24220100 EVOSTC General Operating Budget Public Info. Science Mgmt. and Administration 2024
24210128 Status and trends of EVOS injured seabirds in the Kenai Peninsula coast and Kachemak Bay Monitoring 2024
24200114-P Long-term Monitoring of Lingering Oil in Prince William Sound Monitoring 2024
24160111-F Surveys and age, sex, and size collection and processing Monitoring 2024
24120114-O Long-term Monitoring of Humpback Whale Predation on Pacific Herring in Prince William Sound Monitoring 2024
24120114-N Killer Whale Monitoring Monitoring, Research 2024
24120114-M Prince William Sound Marine Bird Surveys and Associated Shelf Waters Monitoring 2024
24120114-L Seward Line Monitoring 2024
24120114-I Oceanographic Station GAK-1 Long Term Monitoring of the Alaska Coastal Current Monitoring 2024
24120114-H Nearshore Ecosystems in the Gulf of Alaska Monitoring 2024
24120114-G Long-term monitoring of oceanographic conditions in Prince William Sound Monitoring 2024
24120114-D Continuous Plankton Recorder monitoring of plankton populations on the Alaskan Shelf 23120114-D Monitoring 2024
24120114-C Monitoring long-term changes in forage fish distribution, relative abundance, and body condition in Prince William Sound and the Northern Gulf of Alaska Monitoring 2024
24120113 Data Management Program Public Info. Science Mgmt. and Administration 2024
24120111-E Herring Disease Program Monitoring, Research 2024
24120111-C Modeling and stock assessment of Prince William Sound herring Monitoring, Research 2024