Project Information

Title: Cutthroat Trout and Dolly Varden: Relation Among and Within Populations of Anadromous and Resident Forms 96145

Project Year and Number: 1996: 96145

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 1999: 99145, 1998: 98145-CLO, 1997: 97145

Principal Investigator (PI): Kenneth Currens (Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission)

Managing Agency: USFS

Assisting Personnel: Kitty Griswold, Gordon Reeves

Research Location: Prince William Sound

Restoration Category: Monitoring

Injured Resources Addressed: Cutthroat Trout, Dolly Varden

Abstract: Recovery of cutthroat trout is unknown. Restoration efforts have taken the form of instream habitat modification and stock supplementation. The usefulness of this approach in the long term is unknown. This project would determine the relation between resident and anadromous forms of these fish within the same watershed and between watersheds by examining genetic, meristic, and life-history features of each group. Results from this study will allow a long-term, comprehensive and ecologically sound restoration strategy for these fish to be developed.

Proposal: Not Available

Annual Report FY96: View (593 KB)
Final Report: See Project 98145-CLO

Publications from this Project: None Available