Restoration Project Search

The 1989 grounding of the Exxon Valdez in Prince William Sound presented an enormous technical challenge to resource managers in Alaska. Documenting injury to natural resources and fostering their restoration across hundreds of miles of poorly-studied coastline in a scientifically defensible manner were extremely difficult tasks, never before undertaken on such a grand scale.

Now it is possible to locate online much of the research that has been funded by the Trustee Council since the settlement, including annual and final reports for specific projects. If you have technical problems or need assistance locating a specific project report, please contact research staff.


Injured Resource: Black Oystercatchers

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Search Results

Number Project Title Restoration Category Fiscal Year
24120114-H Nearshore Ecosystems in the Gulf of Alaska Monitoring 2024
23120114-H Nearshore Ecosystems in the Gulf of Alaska Monitoring 2023
22120114-H Nearshore Ecosystems in the Gulf of Alaska Monitoring 2022
21120114-H LTM Program: Nearshore Ecosystems Monitoring 2021
21120114 LTM Program Monitoring, Research 2021
20120114-H LTM Program: Nearshore Ecosystems Monitoring 2020
20120114 LTM Program Monitoring, Research 2020
19120114-H LTM Program: Nearshore Ecosystems Monitoring 2019
19120114 LTM Program Monitoring, Research 2019
18120114-H LTM Program: Nearshore Ecosystems Monitoring 2018
18120114 LTM Program Monitoring, Research 2018
17170119 Buskin River Watershed General Restoration, Habitat Protection 2017
17120114-H LTM Program: Nearshore Ecosystems in the Gulf of Alaska Monitoring 2017
17120114 LTM Program Monitoring, Research 2017
16120114-R LTM Program - Nearshore Benthic Ecosystems in the Gulf of Alaska Monitoring 2016
16120114-L LTM Program - Long-term monitoring of Ecological Communities in Kachemak Bay Monitoring 2016
16120114 LTM Program - Long Term Monitoring Program Monitoring, Research 2016
15120114-R LTM Program - Nearshore Benthic Ecosystems in the Gulf of Alaska Monitoring 2015
15120114-L LTM Monitoring of Ecological Communities in Kachemak Bay Monitoring 2015
15120114 LTM Program Monitoring 2015
14120114-R LTM Program - Nearshore Benthic Ecosystems in the Gulf of Alaska Monitoring 2014
14120114-L LTM Program - Ecological Communities in Kachemak Bay Monitoring 2014
14120114 LTM Program - Marine Conditions and Injured Resources and Services Monitoring 2014
13120114-R LTM Program - Nearshore benthic systems in the Gulf of Alaska Monitoring 2013
13120114-L LTM Program - Ecological Communities in Kachemak Bay Monitoring 2013
13120114 LTM - Marine Conditions and Injured Resources and Services Monitoring 2013
12120114-R LTM Program - Nearshore benthic systems in the Gulf of Alaska Monitoring 2012
12120114-L LTM Program - Ecological Communities in Kachemak Bay: Monitoring 2012
12120114-F LTM Program - Ability to Detect Trends in Nearshore Marine Bird Surveys Research 2012
12120114 LTM - Marine Conditions and Injured Resources and Services Monitoring 2012
10100751 Prince William Sound Marine Bird Surveys, Synthesis and Restoration Monitoring 2010
080751 PWS Marine Bird Surveys, Synthesis and Restoration Monitoring 2008
070751 PWS Marine Bird Surveys, Synthesis and Restoration Monitoring 2007
070750 Database Development for Long Term Monitoring of Nearshore Resources Monitoring 2007
050751 Marine Bird Abundance Surveys Monitoring 2005
040774 Oil Exposure in Nearshore Vertebrate Predators Research 2004
040159 Marine Bird Abundance Surveys Monitoring 2004
02163-M APEX: Forage Fish and Seabirds Research 2002
02159 Marine Bird Abundance Surveys Monitoring 2002
01159 Marine Bird Abundance Surveys Monitoring 2001
00501 Protocols for Long-Term Monitoring of Seabird Ecology Monitoring 2000
00287-BAA Seabird-Oceanographic Relationships Research 2000
00163-M APEX: Response of Seabirds to Forage Fish Density Research 2000
00163-J APEX: Barren Island Seabird Studies Research 2000
00163-G APEX: Seabird Energetics Research 2000
00163-B APEX: Seabird Interactions Research 2000
00159 Marine Bird Abundance Surveys Monitoring 2000
99381 Status of Seabird Colonies Monitoring 1999
99289-BAA Status of Black Oystercatchers Research 1999
99163-M APEX: Response of Seabirds to Forage Fish Density Research 1999
99163-J APEX: Barren Islands Seabird Studies Research 1999
99163-G APEX: Seabird Energetics Research 1999
99163-B APEX: Seabird Interactions Research 1999
99159 Marine Bird Abundance Surveys Monitoring 1999
98289-BAA Status of Black Oystercatchers Research 1998
98159 Marine Bird Abundance Surveys Monitoring 1998
97163-M APEX: Cook Inlet Seabird and Forage Fish Studies Research 1997
97159-CLO Marine Bird Abundance Surveys Monitoring 1997
96163-M APEX: Lower Cook Inlet Study Research 1996
96159 Marine Bird Abundance Surveys Monitoring 1996
96101 Removal of Introduced Foxes from Islands General Restoration 1996
96038 Publication of Seabird Restoration Workshop General Restoration 1996
95041 Introduced Predator Removal General Restoration 1995
95038 Symposium on Seabird Restoration General Restoration 1995
94159 Winter Marine Bird and Sea Otter Population Abundance Monitoring 1994
94041 Introduced Predator Removal General Restoration 1994
94020 Black Oystercatchers Breeding on Persistently Oiled Sites Monitoring 1994
93045 Marine Bird and Sea Otter Population Abundance of PWS Monitoring 1993
93035 Persistent Shoreline Oil and Black Oystercatchers Monitoring 1993
R103-C Reproduction and Foraging of Black Oystercatchers Damage Assessment 1992
R103-A Monitoring of Intertidal Oiled Mussel Beds Damage Assessment 1992
R103-2 Oiled Mussel Bed Impact Study Damage Assessment 1992
R103-1 Oiled Mussel Bed Restoration Damage Assessment 1992
B12 Shorebird Damage Assessment Closeout Damage Assessment 1992
B02 Boat Surveys Damage Assessment 1992
ES07 Total Value of Natural Resources Damage Assessment 1991
TS02 Tissue Abnormality Study Damage Assessment 1990
TS02 Tissue Abnormality Study Damage Assessment 1989
B12 EVOS and Black Oystercatcher Breeding Damage Assessment 1989