Project Information

Title: Restoration of Seabirds, Particularly Black Oystercatchers and Pigeon Guillemots, by Removing Introduced Predators 94041

Project Year and Number: 1994: 94041

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 1995: 95041

Principal Investigator (PI): Vernon Byrd (DOI )

Managing Agency: USFWS

Assisting Personnel: Edgar Bailey, William Stahl

Research Location: Kodiak Island

Restoration Category: General Restoration

Injured Resources Addressed: Black Oystercatchers, Pigeon Guillemot

Abstract: Populations of black oystercatchers and pigeon guillemots were depressed after the EVOS. Black oystercatchers and pigeon guillemots are common on fox free Shumigan Islands that have appropriate nesting habitats. Populations on islands where arctic foxes have been introduced may experience growth if the foxes are removed. USFWS personnel will remove introduced foxes from two Shumigan Islands, Simeonof and Chernabura. The response of oystercatcher and guillemot populations to fox removal will be monitored. Follow up will be necessary in 1995 to determine whether any foxes survived and to record 1995 bird counts.

Proposal: Not Available

Annual Report FY94: View (993 KB)
Final Report: See Project 95041

Publications from this Project: None Available

EVOSTC Data Archive: Counts of oystercatchers and guillemots at treatment and control islands and data on number of foxes removed from treatment islands. Appendices in draft report. Availability: Upon request.