Project Information

Title: Seabird Predation on Juvenile Herring in Prince William Sound 090814

Project Year and Number: 2009: 090814

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2008: 080814, 2007: 070814

Principal Investigator (PI): Mary Anne Bishop (Prince William Sound Science Center)

Managing Agency: USFWS

Assisting Personnel: Kathy Kuletz

Research Location: Prince William Sound

Restoration Category: Research

Injured Resources Addressed: Kittlitz's Murrelets, Marbled Murrelets, Pacific Herring, Pigeon Guillemot

Abstract: Based on population trends, the Prince William Sound (PWS) Pacific herring population does not show signs of recovering. Predation pressure on juvenile herring may be an important factor in preventing recovery. This proposal is for the final year of a largescale, three-year study to investigate seabird predation on juvenile herring during winter months (October-March), a season about which relatively little is known. Juvenile herring are heavily predated by multiple species of seabirds, including five species initially injured by the Exxon Valdez Oil spill, as well as Marbled Murrelet, Kittlitz's Murrelet and Pigeon Guillemot, three species that have not yet recovered. We will examine the spatial and temporal abundance of seabird predators in and around juvenile herring schools, as well as the physical and biological characteristics of the schools they feed on. Our project relies on seabird surveys being performed onboard vessels associated with EVOS projects 080830(hydroacoustic surveys for juvenile herring) and 080804 (humpback whale herring predation). Our bioenergetic models will provide estimates of juvenile herring consumption that will aid in planning future restoration efforts. Our data will also assess the role of seabird predation on herring recruitment by providing data to both herring and ecosystem modeling efforts.

Proposal: View (1,122 KB)

Annual Report FY09: View (199 KB)
Final Report: Final Report Not available. For current status, please contact us.

Publications from this Project: None Available