Project Information

Title: SEA: Nekton and Plankton Acoustics 94320-N

Project Year and Number: 1994: 94320-N

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 1999: 99320-N-CLO, 1998: 98320-N, 1997: 97320-N, 1996: 96320-N, 1995: 95320-N

Principal Investigator (PI): Gary Thomas (Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences; U. Miami)

Managing Agency: ADFG

Assisting Personnel: Jay Kirsch, Nicholas Peters, Geoff Steinhart

Research Location: PWS/KAP

Restoration Category: Research

Injured Resources Addressed: Pacific Herring, Pink Salmon

Abstract: Pink salmon and Pacific herring populations were injured by the 1989 EVOS, and currently show no sign of recovery. The depressed condition of these resources continually affects the social and economic health of PWS communities. The Sound Ecosystem Assessment (SEA) program is a multi-disciplinary effort to acquire an ecosystem level understanding of the marine and freshwater processes that interact to constrain levels of fish, marine bird, and marine mammal production in Prince William Sound (PWS). This component of the SEA program, SEAFISH, will provide ecosystem level information on prey and predator abundance that influences the survival of pink salmon and Pacific herring populations in PWS. SEAFISH will rely on: developing models to assist in sampling design, data analysis and interpretation, sharing vessels and facilities for data collection, sharing data with other agencies and investigators, remote sensing with acoustical and optical technologies, the knowledge and skills of commercial fishers, and the support of salmon hatchery personnel. Information will contribute to a comprehensive data base for the PWS fisheries to serve the needs of the region for more informed management, enhancement, and mandated restoration activities.

Proposal: Not Available

Final Report: View (909 KB)

Publications from this Project: None Available

EVOSTC Data Archive: The data produced by this project includes acoustically derived biomass density estimates of herring, pollock, and macro-zooplankton around Prince William Sound. In the future, data will include two dimensional surface maps, two dimensional vertical distributions and three dimensional seascapes. ASCII text, or paper printouts, reports, articles Availability: Available to collaborating researchers and managers and through the scheduled release of the SEA database.