Project Information

Title: Patterns and Processes of Population Change in Selected Nearshore Vertebrate Predators 02423

Project Year and Number: 2002: 02423

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2003: 030423, 2002: 02423-AM, 2001: 01423, 2000: 00423, 1999: 99423

Principal Investigator (PI): Jim Bodkin (DOI )

Managing Agency: USGS

Assisting Personnel: Dan Esler

Research Location: Prince William Sound

Restoration Category: Research

Injured Resources Addressed: Harlequin Ducks, Sea Otters

Abstract: Sea otters and harlequin ducks have not fully recovered from the oil spill. This project will explore links between oil exposure and the lack of population recovery, with the intent of understanding constraints to recovery of these species and the nearshore environment. In FY 02, sea otter work will include aerial surveys of distribution and abundance and estimates of age-specific survival rates. Harlequin duck field studies will examine the relationship between survival and CYP1A. Captive experiments on harlequin ducks will examine the relationships between oil exposure and CYP1A induction, and metabolic and behavioral consequences of exposure.

Proposal: View (115 KB)

Final Report: See Project 030423

Publications from this Project: None Available