Project Information

Title: Monitoring, Habitat Use, and Trophic Interactions of Harbor Seals in PWS 01064-CLO

Project Year and Number: 2001: 01064-CLO

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2000: 00064-CLO, 1999: 99064, 1998: 98064, 1997: 97064, 1996: 96064, 1995: 95064, 1994: 94064, 1993: 93046, 1992: R073, 1992: MM05, 1991: MM05, 1990: MM05, 1989: MM05

Principal Investigator (PI): Kathy Frost (Alaska Department of Fish & Game)

Managing Agency: ADFG

Assisting Personnel: Sara Iverson, Lloyd Lowry, Mike Simpkins, Jay Ver Hoef

Research Location: Prince William Sound

Restoration Category: Monitoring

Injured Resources Addressed: Harbor Seals

Abstract: This project will fund an additional year of data analysis and manuscript preparation for this multi-year study of harbor seals in Prince William Sound. FY 00 was to be the closeout year for this project. However, at the end of FY 00 some data will remain unanalyzed and unpublished. FY 01 funding will cover analysis and final write-up of (a) August 2000 harbor seal aerial surveys, (b) a comparison of 2000 counts with previous years (i.e., an updated analysis of population trend), (c) 1999 seal pup tagging data, and (d) integration of 1999 pup tagging data with other years and a synoptic analysis of movements and diving behavior of harbor seal pups in Prince William Sound.

Proposal: View (86 KB)

Final Report: View (5,405 KB)

Publications from this Project: None Available