Project Information

Title: LTM Program - Forage fish distribution, abundance, and body condition in PWS 14120114-O

Project Year and Number: 2014: 14120114-O

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2025: 25120114-C, 2024: 24120114-C, 2023: 23120114-C, 2022: 22120114-C, 2021: 21120114-C, 2020: 20120114-C, 2019: 19120114-C, 2018: 18120114-C, 2017: 17120114-C, 2016: 16120114-O, 2015: 15120114-O, 2013: 13120114-O, 2012: 12120114-O

Principal Investigator (PI): John Piatt

Managing Agency: USGS

Assisting Personnel: Mayumi Arimitsu (USGS)

Project Website:

Research Location: Prince William Sound

Restoration Category: Monitoring

Injured Resources Addressed: Pacific Herring


In response to a lack of recovery of wildlife populations following the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill (EVOS), and evidence of natural background changes in forage fish abundance, there was a significant effort to document forage fish distribution, abundance, and variability in Prince William Sound (PWS) since the 1990’s. We propose to adopt some of these earlier sampling techniques, and also incorporate new methods to monitor forage fish in Prince William Sound with fishing and acoustic surveys of forage fish, and to measure indices of forage fish condition.

Proposal: View (19,995 KB)

Annual Report FY14: View (222 KB)
Final Report: See Project 16120114-O

Publications from this Project: None Available