Project Information

Title: LTM Program - Continuing the Legacy: Prince William Sound Marine Bird Population Trends. 15120114-K

Project Year and Number: 2015: 15120114-K

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2025: 25120114-M, 2024: 24120114-M, 2023: 23120114-M, 2022: 22120114-M, 2021: 21120114-M, 2020: 20120114-M, 2019: 19120114-M, 2018: 18120114-M, 2017: 17120114-M, 2016: 16120114-K, 2014: 14120114-K, 2013: 13120114-K, 2012: 12120114-K

Principal Investigator (PI): Robb Kaler (USFWS), Kathy Kuletz

Managing Agency: USFWS

Assisting Personnel: None

Project Website:

Research Location: Prince William Sound

Restoration Category: Monitoring

Injured Resources Addressed: Common Murres, Cormorants, Kittlitz's Murrelets, Marbled Murrelets, Pigeon Guillemot


This project is a component of the integrated Long-term Monitoring of Marine Conditions and Injured Resources and Services submitted by McCammon et al. and spans 1989-2014, and includes 13 years of boat-based surveys aimed at monitoring population trends of marine birds and mammals in Prince William Sound after the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Data collected will be used to examine trends from summer to determine whether populations in the oiled zone are increasing, decreasing, or stable, as well as to examine overall population trends for the Sound. Data collected from 1989 to 2012 indicated that pigeon guillemots (Cepphus columba) and marbled murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus) are declining in the oiled areas of Prince William Sound. We have found high inter-annual variation in numbers of some bird species and therefore recommend continuing to conduct surveys every two years. These surveys are the only ongoing means to evaluate the recovery of most of these injured marine bird species. Surveys would also benefit the benthic monitoring and forage fish monitoring aspects of the Long-term Monitoring Project as well as the Herring Project.

Proposal: View (473 KB)

Annual Report FY15: View (64 KB)
Final Report: See Project 16120114-K

Publications from this Project: None Available