Project Information

Title: Injury to Salmon Eggs and Pre-emergent Fry Incubated in Oiled Gravel (Laboratory Study) 95191-B

Project Year and Number: 1995: 95191-B

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 1999: 99191-A-CLO, 1998: 98191-A1, 1997: 97191-A, 1997: 97191-A2, 1997: 97191-A1, 1996: 96191-B, 1996: 96191-A, 1996: 96191-A1, 1995: 95191-A, 1995: 95191, 1995: 95191-A1, 1995: 95191-A2, 1994: 94191-1, 1994: 94191-2, 1993: 93003, 1992: FS02, 1991: FS02, 1990: FS02, 1989: FS02

Principal Investigator (PI): Jeep Rice (NOAA/NMFS Auke Bay Laboratory)

Managing Agency: NOAA

Assisting Personnel: Jeff Short

Research Location: All Spill Affected Areas

Restoration Category: Research

Injured Resources Addressed: Pink Salmon

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to provide laboratory verification of the pink salmon egg mortalities from field observations presented by Sharr et al., and test the hypothesis that exposure of pink salmon eggs/alevins to an oiled incubation habitat will result in the functional sterilization of these animals at sexual maturity. This study, currently underway, utilizes controlled laboratory oil exposures to fertilized eggs in a simulated intertidal gravel environment in order to mimic environmental exposures of 1989 and 1990 (link to NRDA Study FS2). Measurements of survival, abnormalities, growth and hydrocarbon uptake will be made during exposure and rearing to sexual maturity, but the most important observation is the evaluation of gamete viability by crossing fish once they have matured. The functional sterility hypothesis of Sharr et al., will be evaluated by crossing mature fish with known oil exposure histories. Fertilized pink salmon eggs will be incubated in oiled gravel, and the surviving fry will be reared to maturity. Mature fish exposed to oiled gravel as eggs/larvae will be crossed and the effects of oiled incubation substrate on gamete viability and offspring survival will be examined. If incubating in oiled gravel is shown to deleteriously affect gamete viability or offspring survival, then the plausibility of the functional sterility hypothesis will be established.

Proposal: Not Available

Annual Report FY95: View (755 KB)
Final Report: See Project 97191-A2

Publications from this Project: None Available

EVOSTC Data Archive: Data on the effects of oil on pink salmon have been collected, but they are not useful for a GIS.