Project Information

Title: HRM Program: Tracking Seasonal Movements of Adult Pacific Herring in Prince William Sound 14120111-B

Project Year and Number: 2014: 14120111-B

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2013: 13120111-B, 2012: 12120111-B

Principal Investigator (PI): Mary Anne Bishop

Managing Agency: NOAA

Assisting Personnel: John Eiler, Sean Powers

Project Website:

Research Location: Prince William Sound

Restoration Category: Monitoring

Injured Resources Addressed: Pacific Herring


Knowledge of fish movements and migrations are critical to understanding fish population dynamics. In Prince William Sound (PWS) adult herring disperse after spawning, however their movement patterns are poorly understood. Currently the only information on adult herring movements are a small number of observations from fishers that suggest PWS herring are regularly migrating out of PWS and onto the shelf. This proposal focuses on verifying adult Pacific herring movements using detections of tagged fish. The Herring Marking Workshop sponsored by EVOS in December 2008, reviewed all potential marking methods for herring and conditionally endorsed acoustic tagging as a method for determining herring movements. This pilot project will acoustic tag wild adult herring for the first time. Herring will be sampled from around Port Gravina, a spring spawning area. We will examine detections from acoustic arrays to determine seasonal movement patterns in and out of Prince William Sound. The proposed project builds on our previous and current research on acoustic-tagged fishes. This project will synergize with efforts of the Ocean Tracking Network (OTN). The ability to track herring is critical to answer many questions including those about stock structure, migration habits, and the occurrence of skip-spawning. Determining the capabilities of this technology will help guide our choice of future research emphasis.

Proposal: View (278 KB)

Annual Report FY14: View (152 KB)
Final Report: View (10,252 KB)

Publications from this Project: None Available