Project Information

Title: HRM Program: Non lethal sampling: In situ estimation of juvenile herring sizes 12120111-D

Project Year and Number: 2012: 12120111-D

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2025: 25120113 , 2024: 24120113 , 2023: 23120113 , 2021: 21120113, 2020: 20120113, 2019: 19120113, 2018: 18120113, 2017: 17120113, 2015: 15120111-D, 2014: 14120111-D, 2013: 13120111-D

Principal Investigator (PI): Kevin Boswell

Managing Agency: NOAA

Assisting Personnel: None

Project Website:

Research Location: Prince William Sound

Restoration Category: Monitoring

Injured Resources Addressed: Pacific Herring


A common source of bias in acoustic surveys is proper partitioning of size classes and their respective contribution to biomass estimates (see Simmonds and MacLennan 2005). This is particularly evident when considering the probability of encountering multiple size classes (or age classes) within a given survey region, or even within a large school. Several approaches have been successful in estimating in situ size distributions, though many require appropriate light fields to determine target sizes (Foote and Traynor 1988; Gauthier and Rose 2001; Kloser and Horne 2003). Recent application of imaging sonars have proven useful for acquiring high-resolution measurements of target-length distribution, without the need for ambient or external light sources, thereby reducing the potential of behaviorally mediated bias in length estimation. Further, automated analysis software has been refined to rapidly provide length estimates and target tracking parameters, even for tightly schooling fishes. *Funding for this project is part of Project 12120111 - PWS Herring and Monitoring Program.

Proposal: View (107 KB)

Annual Report FY12: View (1,112 KB)
Final Report: See Project 15120111-D

Publications from this Project: None Available