Project Information

Title: HRM Program: Coordination and Logistics 13120111-O

Project Year and Number: 2013: 13120111-O

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2021: 21120111-A, 2020: 20120111-A, 2019: 19120111-A, 2018: 18120111-A, 2017: 17120111-A, 2016: 16120111-O, 2015: 15120111-O, 2014: 14120111-O, 2012: 12120111-O

Principal Investigator (PI): Scott Pegau

Managing Agency: NOAA

Assisting Personnel: Katrina Hoffman

Project Website:

Research Location: Prince William Sound

Restoration Category: Monitoring, Public Info. Science Mgmt. and Administration, Research

Injured Resources Addressed: Pacific Herring


This project is for the coordination and logistics aspects of the proposed program titled, “PWS Herring Research and Monitoring”. The objectives of the program are 1) Provide information to improve input to the age-structure-analysis (ASA) model, or test assumptions within the ASA model, 2) Inform the required synthesis effort, 3) Address assumptions in the current measurements, and 4) Develop new approaches to monitoring. The Coordination and Logistics program objectives are to 1) ensure coordination between projects to achieve the program objectives, 2) Provide a synthesis from existing results, and 3) provide logistical support to the various projects. Coordination includes scheduling of projects to ensure the maximum sharing of vessel time and so that projects dependent on results or samples from another project are in the correct order. Coordination will be primarily through email and teleconference, but each year all the investigators are required to meet in person. Coordination is also taking place with the existing Herring Survey program, the Long-Term monitoring program, and ADF&G herring sampling. Logistics is primarily in providing vessel time although a remotely operated vehicle is requested in this budget to support non-lethal fish identification and being able to search under the ice. The synthesis to be provided by this project is leveraging the required synthesis of the existing Herring Survey program. We intend to update that effort with new results and add a section on how environmental conditions affect herring growth.

Proposal: View (1,324 KB)

Annual Report FY13: View (89 KB)
Final Report: See Project 16120111-O

Publications from this Project: None Available