Project Information

Title: Historical Humpback Whale Abundance in Prince William Sound in Relation to Pacific Herring Dynamics 10100128

Project Year and Number: 2010: 10100128

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2012: 11100836-A, 2011: 11100836

Principal Investigator (PI): Terry Quinn (University of Alaska Fairbanks)

Managing Agency: ADFG

Assisting Personnel: John Moran, Jan Straley, Olga Von Ziegesar-Matkin

Research Location: Prince William Sound

Restoration Category: Research

Injured Resources Addressed: Pacific Herring

Abstract: The principal objective of this study is to analyze historical data on humpback whales to develop time series of abundance for humpback whales in Prince William Sound. This historical data is currently inaccessible, and has never been analyzed. Annual high-quality surveys used photoidentification, so that numbers were counted accurately. In this proposal, a relative index will be calculated from sightings and sampling effort. Mark-recapture models will be developed from sighting histories. These data will be used in an age-structured assessment model of Pacific herring to estimate the historical effect of whale predation on herring, leading to Suzie Teerlink's Master's thesis and three journal articles. This project is an offshoot from Project 090804, Rice's Significance of Whale Predation on Natural Mortality Rates of Pacific Herring in PWS, and will give a 30 year perspective to the findings of that project. This study develops a historical perspective to provide a better framework for understanding herring recovery. No field work is required for this data salvage project.

Proposal: View (550 KB)

Final Report: Not available. For current status, please contact us.

Publications from this Project: None Available