Project Information

Title: Herring Research and Monitoring Program 20120111

Project Year and Number: 2020: 20120111

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2021: 21120111, 2019: 19120111, 2018: 18120111, 2017: 17120111, 2016: 16120111, 2015: 15120111, 2014: 14120111, 2013: 13120111, 2012: 12120111

Principal Investigator (PI): Scott Pegau

Managing Agency: NOAA

Assisting Personnel: None

Project Website:

Research Location:

Restoration Category: Monitoring, Research

Injured Resources Addressed: Pacific Herring


The overall goal of the Herring Research and Monitoring (HRM) program is to: Improve predictive models of herring stocks through observations and research. The program objectives are to:
1) Expand and test the herring stock assessment model used in Prince William Sound.
2) Provide inputs to the stock assessment model.
3) Examine the connection between herring condition or recruitment to physical and biological oceanographic factors.
4) Develop new approaches to monitoring.
The program is made up of eight projects; Modeling and Stock Assessment of Prince William Sound Herring; Surveys and Age, Sex, and Size Collection and Processing; Adult Pacific Herring Acoustic Surveys; Herring Disease Program; Studies of Reproductive Maturity among Age Cohorts of Pacific Herring; Annual Herring Migration Cycle; Genomic Mechanisms Underlying Lack of Recovery; and HRM Coordination.
Through these projects we expect to address areas of interest outlined within the HRM section of the FY17-21 invitation for proposals and examine potential long-term impacts of oil exposure. The modeling project and the postdoctoral fellows are the primary integrating efforts that use data and information from all the projects and the Gulf Watch Alaska and Data Management programs, though there is a high level of coordination and integrations between all projects. The primary beneficiaries of our efforts are expected to be Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Prince William Sound herring fishermen, and, through publications, the larger scientific community.
Dr. Pegau serves as the program lead to ensure the proper coordination within the program, with other Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council (EVOSTC)-funded programs, and as a point person for communications with the EVOSTC. An independent scientific oversight group exists that provides feedback on the program.

Proposal: View (358 KB)

Annual Report: View (350 KB)
Final Report: See Project 21120111

Publications from this Project: None Available