Project Information

Title: Genetic Stock Identification of Kenai River Sockeye 94504

Project Year and Number: 1994: 94504

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: None

Principal Investigator (PI): Lisa Seeb (Alaska Department of Fish & Game)

Managing Agency: ADFG

Assisting Personnel: None

Research Location: Kenai River

Restoration Category: General Restoration

Injured Resources Addressed: Sockeye Salmon

Abstract: Greatly reduced fishing time in the Upper Cook Inlet area due to the EVOS caused sockeye salmon spawning escapement levels in the Kenai River system to exceed the desired amount by three times. Data collected by the Natural Resources Damage Assessment following the EVOS indicated greatly reduced survival of Kenai River system juvenile sockeye salmon. In restoration project #93012, thousands of Upper Cook Inlet sockeye salmon samples were collected for stock identification by genetic and parasite characteristics. This project identifies Kenai River, Kasilof River, and Susitna River salmon stocks in order to protect Kenai stocks and allow commercial harvest of other healthy stocks. Laboratory analyses will be closed out and a final report will be prepared.

Proposal: Not Available

Final Report: Not Applicable to this Project

Publications from this Project: None Available