Project Information

Title: Exxon Valdez Restoration and Habitat Protection Planning 93051-C

Project Year and Number: 1993: 93051-C

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 1994: 94505, 1993: 93051-B, 1993: 93051, 1993: 93051-B1, 1993: 93051-3

Principal Investigator (PI): Robert Olson (DOI )

Managing Agency: USFS

Assisting Personnel: Steve Zemke

Research Location: All Spill Affected Areas

Restoration Category: Habitat Protection

Injured Resources Addressed: Pink Salmon, Sockeye Salmon

Abstract: The primary objective of this study is to develop channel typing procedures that will allow comparative evaluations of the fish habitat on private and public lands within all areas affected by the EVOS. Detailed information on the stream channel types (based on stream characteristics) will be gathered and will provide an evaluation of the watershed’s fish habitat value and the sensitivity of the stream system to management related changes. The channel type inventory will provide key information on fish habitat utilization, fish habitat capability, and fisheries enhancement options in survey area watersheds. This information will be extrapolated to all watersheds affected by the oil spill.

Proposal: Not Available

Final Report: View (40,544 KB)

Publications from this Project: None Available

EVOSTC Data Archive: Digital data of all streams in project area. Stream classified into a processes group and 38 specific channel types within these process groups data attributes available for 583 verification sites within the oil spill area. 18,400 miles of stream were classified and entered into GIS, with approximately 41,000 arc segments identified as separate channel types. Anadromous fish data from ADF&G anadromous catalog entered for PWS streams. Digital, GIS Arc Info Availability: Chugach National Forest Channel Type Data available on line at EVOS office, Afognak, Kodiak, Lower Kenai Peninsula and AK Peninsula. Data available on tape 3mm and 1/4 inch format.