Project Information

Title: EVOSTC General Operating Budget 23220100

Project Year and Number: 2023: 23220100

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2024: 24220100, 2022: 22220100 , 2021: 21210100, 2020: 20200100, 2019: 19190100, 2018: 18180100, 2017: 17120100, 2016: 16120100, 2015: 15150100, 2014: 14120100, 2013: 13120100, 2012: 12120100, 2011: 11100100, 2010: 10100100, 2009: 090100, 2008: 080100, 2007: 070100, 2006: 060100, 2005: 050100, 2004: 040100, 2003: 030100, 2002: 02100, 2001: 01100, 2000: 00100, 1999: 99100, 1998: 98100, 1997: 97100, 1996: 96100, 1995: 95100, 1994: 940-ED, 1993: 93-AD, 1992: AD, 1991: R01, 1990: R01, 1989: R01

Principal Investigator (PI): Shiway Wang

Managing Agency: ADFG

Assisting Personnel: None

Research Location:

Restoration Category: Public Info. Science Mgmt. and Administration

Injured Resources Addressed: Not Specified


This document provides a detailed description of the annual Trustee Council General Operating Budget for fiscal years 2022 - 2033. The General Operating Budget is broken down into the following six components:

1. Program Management and Operations
2. IT and Website Support
3. Science Program
4. Public Advisory Committee (PAC)
5. Habitat Program
6. Trust Agency Funding

The cost estimates detailed within the budget components are projected based upon prior-year actual expenditures and expected needs in the remaining two five-year cycles, FY22 – FY26 and FY27 – FY31, and two additional years, FY32 – FY33, for staff to close out operations. The component items cover operational costs associated with developing, implementing, and overseeing current Trustee Council program objectives. Each component consists of five cost types (personnel, travel, contractual, commodities and equipment).

This project was approved for the FY23-FY26 funding cycle.

Proposal: View (2,104 KB)

Reports: None Available

Publications from this Project: None Available
