Project Information

Title: Evaluation of Oil Remaining in the Intertidal from EVOS 02543

Project Year and Number: 2002: 02543

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2001: 01543

Principal Investigator (PI): Jeff Short (NOAA )

Managing Agency: NOAA

Assisting Personnel: Pat Harris, Mandy Lindeberg, Jacek Maselko, Jerome Pella, Jeep Rice

Research Location: Prince William Sound, Gulf of Alaska

Restoration Category: Research

Injured Resources Addressed: Intertidal Organisms, Sediments

Abstract: This project will assess the amount of oil remaining from the oil spill on shorelines within Prince William Sound in FY 01. During Summer 2001, a stratified random sample of shoreline was intensively sampled for surface and subsurface oil to estimate length of oiled shoreline, area and volume of oiled sediment, and volume of oil. Approximately 8 km were sampled by digging about 8,000 pits to discover and quantify subsurface oil. In FY 02, the project will perform data and chemical analysis, and prepare a final report and journal publications.

Proposal: View (90 KB)

Final Report: View (3,943 KB)

Publications from this Project: None Available