Project Information

Title: Construction of a Linkage Map for the Pink Salmon Genome 030190

Project Year and Number: 2003: 030190

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2002: 02190, 2001: 01190, 2000: 00190, 1999: 99190, 1998: 98190, 1997: 97190, 1996: 96190

Principal Investigator (PI): Fred Allendorf (University of Montana)

Managing Agency: ADFG

Assisting Personnel: Kathy Knudsen, Kate Linder, Paul Spruell, Joe Tyburczy

Research Location: Prince William Sound

Restoration Category: Research

Injured Resources Addressed: Pink Salmon

Abstract: This is the final year of a project based upon experiments conducted at the Alaska SeaLife Center that use a linkage map that was constructed to test for effects of regions of the genome on traits that are important to the recovery of pink salmon (e.g., growth and survival). In summer 2001, 259 sexually mature adults were collected in Resurrection Bay from the 1999 cohort produced from wild pink salmon collected from Likes Creek. In FY 03, the analysis of the genotypes in the returning adults will be completed to test for genetic differences in marine survival and other life history traits (e.g., body, size, egg number, and egg size) and a final report/manuscript will be prepared.

Proposal: View (463 KB)

Final Report: View (1,984 KB)

Publications from this Project: None Available