Restoration Project Search

The 1989 grounding of the Exxon Valdez in Prince William Sound presented an enormous technical challenge to resource managers in Alaska. Documenting injury to natural resources and fostering their restoration across hundreds of miles of poorly-studied coastline in a scientifically defensible manner were extremely difficult tasks, never before undertaken on such a grand scale.

Now it is possible to locate online much of the research that has been funded by the Trustee Council since the settlement, including annual and final reports for specific projects. If you have technical problems or need assistance locating a specific project report, please contact research staff.


Injured Resource: Recreation & Tourism

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Search Results

Number Project Title Restoration Category Fiscal Year
20200135 Kenai River Special Management Area: Eagle Rock Facility Improvements General Restoration, Habitat Protection 2020
19190121 KRSMA Funny River & Morgan’s Landing Riverbank Restoration General Restoration, Habitat Protection 2019
19120111-D HRM Age at Reproductive Maturity Research 2019
16120111-H HRM Program: Outreach and Education Public Info. Science Mgmt. and Administration 2016
15120111-H HRM Program: Outreach and Education Public Info. Science Mgmt. and Administration 2015
14120111-R HRM Program: Aerial Survey Support Monitoring 2014
14120111-H HRM Program: Outreach & Education Public Info. Science Mgmt. and Administration 2014
13120111-H HRM Program: Outreach and Education Program Public Info. Science Mgmt. and Administration 2013
12120111-H HRM Program: Outreach and Education Program Public Info. Science Mgmt. and Administration 2012
10100750-A Nearshore Synthesis - Knight Island Sampling Amendment Research 2010
10100750 Evaluation of Recovery and Restoration of Injured Nearshore Resources Research 2010
080800 Cordova Center General Restoration 2008
060783 Information Synthesis and Recovery Research 2006
00339 Western PWS Human Use and Wildlife General Restoration 2000
00180-CLO Kenai River Restoration General Restoration 2000
99339 Western PWS Human Use and Wildlife General Restoration 1999
99314 Homer Mariner Park General Restoration 1999
99180 Kenai River Restoration General Restoration 1999
98339 Human Use and Wildlife Disturbance Model Research 1998
98180 Kenai River Restoration General Restoration 1998
97272-CLO Chenega Chinook Release General Restoration 1997
97230 Valdez Duck Flats Restoration General Restoration 1997
97180 Kenai River Restoration General Restoration 1997
96272 Chenega Chinook Release General Restoration 1996
96180 Kenai River Restoration General Restoration 1996
95272 Chenega Chinook Release General Restoration 1995
94272 Chenega Chinook Release Program General Restoration 1994
94217 PWS Recreation Implementation General Restoration 1994
93065 PWS Recreation General Restoration 1993
93046 Habitat Use and Behavior of Harbor Seals Monitoring 1993
R103-4 Intertidal Oil Extent and Monitoring Damage Assessment 1992
ES07 Total Value of Natural Resources Damage Assessment 1991
ES05 Economic Damages to Recreation Damage Assessment 1991
ES07 Loss of Intrinsic Values Due to the EVOS Damage Assessment 1990
ES05 Economic Damages to Recreation Damage Assessment 1990
ES04 EVOS and the Value of Public Land Damage Assessment 1990
ES01 Commercial Fisheries Losses Damage Assessment 1990
ES07 Loss of Intrinsic Values Damage Assessment 1989
ES05 Economic Damages to Recreation Damage Assessment 1989
ES04 EVOS and the Value of Public Land Damage Assessment 1989
ES03 Bioeconomic Models for Damage Assessment Damage Assessment 1989
ES02 Fishing Industry Costs Damage Assessment 1989