Project Information

Title: Public Information, Science Management, and Administration 02100

Project Year and Number: 2002: 02100

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2024: 24220100, 2023: 23220100, 2022: 22220100 , 2021: 21210100, 2020: 20200100, 2019: 19190100, 2018: 18180100, 2017: 17120100, 2016: 16120100, 2015: 15150100, 2014: 14120100, 2013: 13120100, 2012: 12120100, 2011: 11100100, 2010: 10100100, 2009: 090100, 2008: 080100, 2007: 070100, 2006: 060100, 2005: 050100, 2004: 040100, 2003: 030100, 2001: 01100, 2000: 00100, 1999: 99100, 1998: 98100, 1997: 97100, 1996: 96100, 1995: 95100, 1994: 940-ED, 1993: 93-AD, 1992: AD, 1991: R01, 1990: R01, 1989: R01

Principal Investigator (PI): EVOS Administration (EVOSTC)

Managing Agency: ADFG

Assisting Personnel: None

Research Location: Trustee Council Office

Restoration Category: Public Info. Science Mgmt. and Administration

Injured Resources Addressed: Not Specified

Abstract: This project provides overall support for science management, public involvement, and administration of the restoration program. This includes funding for the Trustee Council staff working at the direction of the Executive Director, the scientific peer review process, public involvement efforts including the active participation of the 17-member Public Advisory Group (PAG), and Trustee agency participation in the restoration program.

Proposal: View (25 KB)

Final Report: Not Applicable to this Project

Publications from this Project: None Available