Project Information

Title: Montague Riparian Rehabilitation Monitoring 97139-C1-CLO

Project Year and Number: 1997: 97139-C1-CLO

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 1996: 96139-C1, 1995: 95139-C1, 1994: 94139-C1

Principal Investigator (PI): Ken Hodges (US Forest Service)

Managing Agency: USFS

Assisting Personnel: None

Research Location: Prince William Sound

Restoration Category: Monitoring

Injured Resources Addressed: Not Specified

Abstract: This is a close-out of Project 96139C1. Originally, FY 96 was to be the close-out year, but some instream structures failed. In FY 96, the structures which failed will be repaired using better anchoring techniques. Crowded stands of Sitka spruce, which were thinned to accelerate growth, will also be monitored. In FY 97, the repaired structures will be monitored to make sure they have withstood the high flows associated with the spring runoff, the final data on spruce growth will be collected, and the final report will be written.

Proposal: Not Available

Final Report: View (1,449 KB)

Publications from this Project: None Available

EVOSTC Data Archive: Site maps, transect data, monitoring info, and schedule Lotus 123, Word Perfect