Project Information

Title: Monitoring Environmental Contaminants in the Northern GOA 00567

Project Year and Number: 2000: 00567

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: None

Principal Investigator (PI): Sue Hills (University of Alaska Fairbanks)

Managing Agency: ADEC

Assisting Personnel: Jennie Bolton, Douglas Burrows, Peggy Krahn, Marianne See

Research Location: All Spill Affected Areas

Restoration Category: Monitoring

Injured Resources Addressed: Not Specified

Abstract: This project will assess needs and priorities for monitoring environmental contaminants in the northern Gulf of Alaska, including the area directly affected by the oil spill. It will evaluate information on water quality, marine species' sensitivities to pollutants, and contaminants that pose potentially adverse effects to the ecosystem and to human health. Recommendations will specify priorities for monitoring of contaminants in order to track lingering oil spill injury, trends, and potential effects of pollutants.

Proposal: Not Available

Final Report: View (26,028 KB)

Publications from this Project: None Available