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- LTM Program: Program Management I - Synthesis & Coordination 19120114-A
Project Information
Title: LTM Program: Program Management I - Synthesis & Coordination 19120114-A
Project Year and Number: 2019: 19120114-A
Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2025: 2522LTRM A-B, 2024: 2422LTRM A-B, 2023: 2322LTRM A-B, 2022: 2222LTRM, 2021: 21120114-A, 2020: 20120114-A, 2018: 18120114-A, 2017: 17120114-A
Principal Investigator (PI): Mandy Lindeberg (NOAA)
Managing Agency: NOAA
Assisting Personnel: Donna Aderhold (Prince William Sound Science Center), Rob Suryan (NOAA Fisheries), Ben Weitzman (NOAA Fisheries)
Project Website: https://gulfwatchalaska.org/program-services/
Research Location: Gulf of Alaska
Restoration Category: Public Info. Science Mgmt. and Administration, Research
Injured Resources Addressed: Not Specified
Abstract:The Program Management I (PM I) project provides program coordination and science synthesis of data for the EVOSTC’s integrated Long-term Monitoring of Marine Conditions and Injured Resources and Services program, referred to as Gulf Watch Alaska (GWA). The Program Management II (PM II) project is the administrative and outreach component of GWA. The Prince William Sound Science Center (PWSSC) serves as the fiscal agent for non-Trustee Agency recipients of GWA funds. The work plans for these two projects are combined because together they represent management of the GWA program and because the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council (EVOSTC) Science Panel requested combining the projects in 2017. The program management team (PMT, collectively PM I and PM II) oversees more than two dozen principal investigators, collaborators, and science reviewers to produce and integrate a wealth of scientific information on the northern Gulf of Alaska ecosystem and spill-affected area and share that information with others. Program coordination and science synthesis (PM I) improves linkages between monitoring efforts spanning large regional areas (Prince William Sound, Gulf of Alaska shelf, lower Cook Inlet). Program coordination includes facilitating program planning and sharing of information between principal investigators, other Trustee-funded programs, and non-Trustee organizations. High quality products and science synthesis efforts help communicate monitoring results by delivering reports, publishing data, developing scientific papers, supporting outreach, and integrating information across the entire program. Program administration, science review panel (SRP), logistics, and outreach and community involvement (PM II) complements work under the PM I project in many ways. The administrative portion of the PM II project oversees funds for non-trustee agencies, while also providing travel and logistics for GWA in-person meetings, teleconferences, maintaining GWA’s website, and managing community outreach and engagement. So far in FY18, the PMT has maintained all of the program administration and outreach activities noted above and included hosting a community engagement event in Port Graham, producing 14 presentations/outreach products, and continued FY17-21 science synthesis efforts for four cross-component manuscripts and 6 - 10 new time series indicators (15-19 total from GWA) to assess ecosystem status in the Gulf of Alaska. Overall there are no changes to these projects’ objectives, we are requesting partial funding to support a postdoc to assist with data integration and synthesis manuscripts.
Proposal: View (330 KB)
19120114-AB Annual Report: View (556 KB)
Final Report: See Project 21120114-A
Publications from this Project: None Available