Project Information

Title: Institute of Marine Science - Seward Improvements EIS 94199

Project Year and Number: 1994: 94199

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 1995: 95199

Principal Investigator (PI): Kim Sundberg (Alaska Department of Fish & Game)

Managing Agency: ADFG

Assisting Personnel: None

Research Location: All Spill Affected Areas

Restoration Category: General Restoration

Injured Resources Addressed: Not Specified

Abstract: The planned Alaska Sea Life Center will provide a needed research facility for restoration work related to the EVOS. This project will provide for construction of the facility and the acquisition and installation of laboratory equipment necessary for the planned center to meet monitoring, restoration, rehabilitation and research objectives that promote long term recovery and health of the marine ecosystem injured by the EVOS.

Proposal: Not Available

Final Report: See Project 95199

Publications from this Project: None Available

EVOSTC Data Archive: Project description, Sept 26, 1994. Project status report, Aug 25, 1995. Design development submittal, May 22, 1995. FEIS, Sept 1994. Text, tables, drawings. Availability: Upon request.