Project Information

Title: Hydrocarbon Data Analysis, Interpretation, and Database Maintenance 00290

Project Year and Number: 2000: 00290

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2010: 10100290, 2009: 090290, 2008: 080290, 2007: 070290, 2004: 040290, 2003: 030290, 2002: 02290, 2001: 01290, 1999: 99290, 1998: 98290, 1997: 97290, 1996: 96290, 1995: 95290, 1994: 94290, 1993: 93053, 1992: TS01, 1991: TS01, 1990: TS01, 1989: TS01

Principal Investigator (PI): Jeff Short (NOAA )

Managing Agency: NOAA

Assisting Personnel: Bonita Nelson

Research Location: All Spill Affected Areas

Restoration Category: Research

Injured Resources Addressed: Not Specified

Abstract: This project is a continuation of the Natural Resource Damage Assessment and restoration database management, sample storage, and interpretive service. New data will continue to be incorporated into the Trustee Council hydrocarbon database. Updated summary reports for investigators and managers will be produced along with an electronic copy of the data for all data queries. A database for pristane sample collection and analysis information will be maintained.

Proposal: Not Available

Annual Report FY00: View (302 KB)
Final Report: Not Applicable to this Project

Publications from this Project: None Available