Project Information

Title: EVOSTC Administrative Budget 14120100

Project Year and Number: 2014: 14120100

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2024: 24220100, 2023: 23220100, 2022: 22220100 , 2021: 21210100, 2020: 20200100, 2019: 19190100, 2018: 18180100, 2017: 17120100, 2016: 16120100, 2015: 15150100, 2013: 13120100, 2012: 12120100, 2011: 11100100, 2010: 10100100, 2009: 090100, 2008: 080100, 2007: 070100, 2006: 060100, 2005: 050100, 2004: 040100, 2003: 030100, 2002: 02100, 2001: 01100, 2000: 00100, 1999: 99100, 1998: 98100, 1997: 97100, 1996: 96100, 1995: 95100, 1994: 940-ED, 1993: 93-AD, 1992: AD, 1991: R01, 1990: R01, 1989: R01

Principal Investigator (PI): Elise Hsieh

Managing Agency: ADFG

Assisting Personnel: None

Research Location:

Restoration Category: Public Info. Science Mgmt. and Administration

Injured Resources Addressed: Not Specified


The budget structure is designed to provide a clearly identifiable allocation of the funds supporting Trustee Council activities. The program components are: • Administration Management • Data Management • Science Program • Public Advisory Committee (PAC) • Habitat Protection Program • Trustee Council Member Expenses • Trustee Agency Support/Project Management • Alaska Resources Library & Information Services (ARLIS) The budget estimates detailed within those specified program components are projected based upon prior year actual expenditures and include the application of estimated merit step increases, as well as payroll benefits increases. Detailed12-month budget component items cover necessary day-to-day operational costs of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Restoration Office and administrative costs associated with overseeing current Trustee Council program objectives

Proposal: View (187 KB)

Final Report: File Unavailable

Publications from this Project: None Available