Project Information

Title: EVOS Administration 090100

Project Year and Number: 2009: 090100

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2024: 24220100, 2023: 23220100, 2022: 22220100 , 2021: 21210100, 2020: 20200100, 2019: 19190100, 2018: 18180100, 2017: 17120100, 2016: 16120100, 2015: 15150100, 2014: 14120100, 2013: 13120100, 2012: 12120100, 2011: 11100100, 2010: 10100100, 2008: 080100, 2007: 070100, 2006: 060100, 2005: 050100, 2004: 040100, 2003: 030100, 2002: 02100, 2001: 01100, 2000: 00100, 1999: 99100, 1998: 98100, 1997: 97100, 1996: 96100, 1995: 95100, 1994: 940-ED, 1993: 93-AD, 1992: AD, 1991: R01, 1990: R01, 1989: R01

Principal Investigator (PI): (EVOSTC)

Managing Agency: ADFG

Assisting Personnel: None

Project Website:

Research Location: Trustee Council Office

Restoration Category: Public Info. Science Mgmt. and Administration

Injured Resources Addressed: Not Specified

Abstract: The budget structure has been utilized over the past three federal fiscal years is designed to provide a clearly identifiable allocation of the funds supporting Trustee Council activities. As was specifically identified in the past two annual budgets, the program components are: • Administration Management • Data Management • Science Management • Public Information & Outreach • Public Advisory Committee (PAC) • Habitat Protection Program • Trustee Council Member Direct Expenses • Program Support/Project Management by Agencies • Alaska Resources Library & Information Services The budget estimates detailed within those specified program components are projected based upon prior year actual expenditures and include the application of estimated merit step increases, as well as payroll benefits increases. Detailed budget component items are either “continuing” or “ongoing” from program directives already approved by the Trustee Council and cover necessary day-to-day operational costs of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Restoration Office and administrative costs associated with overseeing current Trustee Council program objectives. Program priorities include the development and implementation of the Integrated Herring Restoration Program (IHRP). Although the FY09 Invitation requesting proposals has been deferred until the IHRP and a Human Services component have been developed and approved by the Council, the decision was made to provide projects that were funded only through FY08 an opportunity to request project extensions with requests for FY09 funding. Upon completion of the review process and the Trustee Council’s funding decisions, associated project management fees will be requested and reflected in an amendment to the FY09 APDI Budget. Some project management funds are included at this time to ensure Trustee Agencies have sufficient funds to manage on-going projects and to provide necessary compliance with the annual audit efforts.

Proposal: View (119 KB)

Final Report: Not Applicable to this Project

Publications from this Project: None Available