Project Information

Title: Development of a Restoration Plan R01

Project Year and Number: 1989: R01

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2024: 24220100, 2023: 23220100, 2022: 22220100 , 2021: 21210100, 2020: 20200100, 2019: 19190100, 2018: 18180100, 2017: 17120100, 2016: 16120100, 2015: 15150100, 2014: 14120100, 2013: 13120100, 2012: 12120100, 2011: 11100100, 2010: 10100100, 2009: 090100, 2008: 080100, 2007: 070100, 2006: 060100, 2005: 050100, 2004: 040100, 2003: 030100, 2002: 02100, 2001: 01100, 2000: 00100, 1999: 99100, 1998: 98100, 1997: 97100, 1996: 96100, 1995: 95100, 1994: 940-ED, 1993: 93-AD, 1992: AD, 1991: R01, 1990: R01

Principal Investigator (PI): (EVOSTC)

Managing Agency: USEPA

Assisting Personnel: None

Research Location: Trustee Council Office

Restoration Category: Public Info. Science Mgmt. and Administration

Injured Resources Addressed: Not Specified


Proposal: Not Available

Final Report: Not Applicable to this Project

Publications from this Project: None Available